The following is a somewhat loose and informal assemblage of -recent- reports from the Internet, of unusual things seen in the skies. They should follow in chronological order. If you're aware of any reports not found here, please e-mail me at <>. You'll notice I've included reports of objects described as bolides, or fireballs. As this may or may not apply to all those so described, I've included them all. It is also likely that some of those reports describing something that is clearly aircraft of some type, are advanced military aircraft. Again, this file is a catch-all for everything recently reported. Hopefully, time, and information from readers will help sort these out. I welcome your help. I would especially be interested in someone having the time and facility to compare this approximate 6-7 week period with other similar periods in the recent past, in terms of number/frequency/quality of sighting reports not only on the Internet, but in the mass media as well. If my memory serves (could be a big "if"), it would appear there may be -at least- 5 good videos of UFOs taken in the United States during this period (roughly 11/15-12/31). Anyone have an idea how long one would have to go back in time to find the previous 5 good videos of UFOs in the U.S. (outside of Gulf Breeze)? (The 5 I recall are: Vista, California on 11/28; Kentucky on 12/2; Miami, Florida on 12/14-15; Traverse City, Michigan on 12/21; and Lansing, Michigan on 12/25.)
"...There will be a significant increase of UFO activity preceding the Night of Lights in the following countries. Russia, United States, Canada, Mexico, Ukraine. In some of these countries, it has already begun...."
(from Night of Lights - 2, 11/20/94)
"...In your mind, there is one question above all others. When? When are they returning? Be assured that it is not a question of "IF," but "WHEN". ...Before this time, their will be ever-increasing acts of contact. It will begin slowly, so as not to panic anyone, and increase in both frequency and degree, of revelation... There has been a noticeable lack of UFO activity in the last year and a half. Do not be fooled into thinking they have left or lost interest. This is merely the calm before the storm...."
(from Way - 12, 11/27/94)
(For instructions on where/how to access these and related files, see the end of this file.)
Sunday Morning. 27 Nov., 1994. approximately 6:47 a.m.. Route 60 East about 5 miles beyond where Interstate 15 intersects. The morning was unusually clear due to the previous night's high wind storms and northern front. The sun was up, bright, visibility was between 75-100 miles. The region was fairly rural, not deep rural, but rural compared to the suburbs.
I am a skydiver. I was traveling to Perris Valley Skydive Center to jump for the day. I was traveling East on Hwy. 60. (for this discussion, consider my traveling position at the 12 o'clock position. I noticed what I thought was an airplane above and beyond the mountains at the 11 o'clock position. It was very clear. I watched it wondering what airport it was approaching.
There was only one other car on the road that I can remember. Still driving, I continued to look from the road out the windshield to the sky, following the airplane. Then, I saw a brilliant white light (like a spot light) coming from the plane.
Immediately, I thought it was an approach light on the plane or a reflection from the sun, which was rising in the 1 o'clock position, again me traveling at the 12 o'clock position. The light went off.
I watched more. The road. The plane. I slowed slightly. The plane continued. I started thinking about the spotlight/reflection-- wondering how as a spotlight it could be that bright? Or how it could be a relection from the sun, when the sun was at 1 o'clock, and the plane was at 11 o'clock?
Then, the bright white light went on again. I thought quickly. For it to be a reflection, the sun would have to be in the 3 o'clock to 7 o'clock position to be at the right angle. Then, I slowed down to watch. I scanned the sky, but could find nothing. In two seconds, the object was gone. Completely gone.
It was clearest day in Los Angeles (at outside) that I've seen in maybe a year. I'm used to looking through sky for planes because I'm a skydiver. I had a clear visible field of 270 degress. I stopped the car. And scanned the sky. My eyes went back and forth over the area where I had sighted the object. But it was gone. That's it.
No great drama. no great hoopla. I've never seen one before. And don't know if I'll ever see one. I don't know if it was a plane, a UFO, or what it was. All I know it was clear day, the object gave off a bright light (twice), and it disappeared in two
Were there any witnesses to a UFO sighted over the Vista/Carlsbad area of Southern California last night, November 29th, between 9pm and midnight? We have five witnesses and a very high quality video of event and are looking for additional corroboration. Please respond ASAP with your details.
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 11
Message-ID: <3brtq7$>
Bright star object approached to a building directly across street from me in downtown Olympia. Appeared as ball of light, as like spherical, suddenly appeared much higher in sky. shifted to new position, could not see it get from pointA to pointB. Next thing I knew, huge bright,
flashing, blinking lights in my face, as if shining in my window. Felt an extremely intense, mindexpanding, psychic enlargement, whole new feeling, never before felt. Then saw wide plane like object with no nose or tail, directly over head; I could see ribbing on the bottom. No noise. Had three skeptical witnesses. Strange things have happened ever since. Does anyone know of anything of that shape or had that psychic 6th sense feeling upon sighting so called ufo's? I was a skeptic.
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 4
Message-ID: <3bt0m7$>
Anyone have any information on a supposed UFO sighting or meteor over San Diego, CA on 12/3/94--There was a brief news report on T.V. around 6:00pm. But nothing in any papers today (12/4/94) and no further mentions on any news.
I saw the news story about the Kentucky sightings, but it was on the
Columbus local news at 11:00 - and on NBC, at that. It described this
perfect silver sphere that hovered above the forest and then disappeared.
Did anyone else see Hard copy that same night? They talked about a town in Florida that was seeing the *exact same types of things* The people there had countless tapes of all of it and these silver balls in the sky could go from 0 mph to 2,000 mph in 1 second.
Scientists say they don't know what the objects are, but the tapes have not been falsified.
Okay, I know it's Hard Copy and all, but this time it sounded like they had scientific proof that these objects were real - whatever they were.
I believe we are talking about the same incident, only I did not become aware of it until friday. The problem I'm having with this incident is that according to the news "thousands" of people saw a "large" bright blue ball go down somewhere near San Diego--And the newspapers here (near Sacramento, CA) didn't report anything--I don't believe "thousands" of people would describe pea sized meteorites as a"large blue ball" Any comments?
In <3bs8lg$> (Andrew J. Kurtz) writes:
>: In San Jose, the NBC news brief at 9:00PM mentioned the sighting of
>: UFO's by hundreds of people and video. This was a very quick brief and
>: they said to tune in at 11:00 for details, which I did. Not a mention
>: of the sightings! Turned on the TV this morning and nothing. We can
>: start a new news blackout conspiracy!!!
>: Gene Cisneros
>The San Jose event was a bright fireball -- IFO to the many
>amateur astronomers who saw it.
>I didn't hear anything about a sighting in KY...
The sighting was very close to Louisville, Kentucky...just outside...I've forgotten the name of the town. I live a few miles north in Southern Indiana.
Around 10 O'Clock people started seeing a moving, bright white light high in the sky. The police confirmed the report and several officers also saw it. It lastest for about an hour. Once news got out on police radio, people with scanners went out to look at it and therefore a hundred or so people saw it.
The police checked with local airports and the object did not appear on radar. Police even checked in Dayton Ohio with the military, but they claimed that it was not one of theirs.
One officer said he believed that it was a weather balloon high enough in the atmosphere to reflect the sunlight and this is the story I heard on the news that night. Another office said it was mars.
Does anyone know whether it is feasible for mars to be visible in the sky at this time of the year around 10 oclock at the Louisville, Ky latitude? What about the balloon high would a weather balloon have to be at 10pm to reflect light from the sun and be seen at our latitude?
There were also some reports coming in later the next morning around 1 am and 4 am.... assuming that these weren't just mistaken identities by people who heard the news earlier, it would somewhat discount the possibility of it being mars or a weather balloon.
They said the object was moving, but the footage I saw of it had no frame of reference, therefore it was difficult to tell which motions were the camera operators and which could be the ufo's.
A local news reported Friday December 2nd that a woman had seen and video taped what seemed to be a "alien" craft on Monday November 28. The video they showed was at night showing a "craft" in the sky which seemed circular to me. The craft then separated into about four, what appeared to be identicle crafts.
Did anyone else see this or know anything about it?
What I thought was interesting, and maybe not to anyone else, was that at the end of the segment the newcaster stated "believe your eyes" and to call the station if you see anything at their UFO Hotline.
Yep, somethin' surely is "going on" There apparently were sightings in San Jose, CA and Loiusville KY around the same time with the same lame press release only in KY they used the ol' "It's a weather balloon" story -- I believe they used that one up already in Roswell--Oh well, I guess the Pentagon thinks we'll swallow any old hunk of meat! IMHO I think we'll be seeing alot more "weather balloons" in the near future--just a hunch...
I must admit that I am subscribed to this bulletin board not because I am very educated about UFOs but merely because I am interested in their existence. I believe in them but haven't done much reading. So, please bear with me as I relay the following.
It is interesting that mention was made in a previous posting to the KY sightings. The sightings occurred in Leitchfield, which is approximately 1-2 hours from Ft. Knox, an army base. Local TV stations in Louisville made mention of the sightings in a broadcast but I can find no mention of them in any of the newspapers. Apparently, two objects were spotted. One was a bright light that zig-zagged across the sky. Another was a bright light that had 6 or 7 lights travelling around it in a circle. Could the lights have been from some type of night maneuver being performed at Ft. Knox? Of course, if it WAS Ft. Knox, why wouldn't people living in Bullitt Co., the county where the base is located, have reported seeing any strange lights? I live in Bullitt Co. and we hear the blasting from maneuvers all the time. I justhought some of this rambling might prove interesting. Thanks.
>Do you happen to know when these sightings occurred, was it Friday in Kentucky during the day, or late Thursday night, perhaps?
>Thomas Bergen
The "news flash" was shown on Friday during the day, but the event had taken place on Thursday night. The video showed a disk/orb of light, plus 4 other lights surrounding & flying around it in patterns, each one with a different look to it. The story was not repeated on any newscast.
Please let us know anything you find out about this...
L & B.
P.S. This newscast was _not_ related to the meteor sighting in southern Cal., which dominated the news reports Friday night.
when I too saw a green flash come down from the sky.
I didn't imagine it either cause my girlfriend saw it also.
It came down at around 35 degrees to the horizonal measured downwards. I was heading west on I80. I only saw it come down--I didn't see any 'bounces' cause they would have been hidden by the foot-
I'm not sure what it was but now I know we weren't
the only ones who saw it. I doubt it was a UFO--just a bit
interesting. Does anyone know of any natural phenomena that
could explain such an event? It looked like a green ball
with a long tail. I'd say it was ball lighting but I'm not
sure what atmospheric conditions would cause such a large
amount of green light--polution perhaps? The only gas that
I can think of off the top of my head that emits radiation
in the visible green spectrum is neon (doubt there was that
much in the sky). I know of some metals that burn green
though. If anyone knows of any sulfur or carbon compounds
that burn green that could perhaps explain it. I also know
that the oil refineries in that area emit tons of Selenium
based compounds--but my info says that those emissions are
limited to water based polutants--I'm sure if they release
them into the atmosphere as well. I'd be interesting to here
what anyone out there has to say--especially if they saw
I just checked with the astronomy program that we have here (SkyGlobe 3.5, I think) and ran the entire month of December at 10:00 PM from Lexington Kentucky and Mars will not be visible at that time, in that location until after Christmas.
In article <3c2ma1$> (Eric W. Taylor) writes:
>That eliminates mars. Question: Are there any other planets that could have
>appeared so much larger than stars?
Another quick consultation with SkyGlobe (TM, copyright and all that other applicable jazz) gave me these quick notes about the Louisville sky's view of the planets from about 20:00 December 3 to 08:00 December 4 (if that is in fact the night in question, I'm still a little fuzzy over when this happened):
~20:10 Neptune sets in WSW
~20:20 Uranus sets in WSW
~23:10 Mars rises in ENE
~23:55 Saturn sets in WSW
~04:40 Venus rises in ESE
~06:40 Jupiter rises in ESE
~07:30 Mercury rises in ESE
~07:50 Sun rises in ESE
Now, Neptune and Uranus aren't visible to the naked eye and Mercury was very likely obscured in the Sun, possibly along with Jupiter. Someone mentioned reported sightings in the early morning hours of December 4... Venus? It is at its brightest right now, if I recall. Though this doesn't help the sightings from the night before....
Subject: Re: abc news video of kentucky sighting...?
Message-ID: <>
Organization: Shiva Systems
X-Mailer: TBBS/PIMP v3.23/PRIMP 1.56p
Distribution: world
Date: Tue, 06 Dec 94 21:48:45
Lines: 8
Yes I live here in kentucky. I can't say I saw them,Wish I could, But there was a report about UFO sighting here in the Louisville area. The report aired here for one news break. And then I never heard of it again. I didnt even get to see and Videos. You saw more than most people in Kentucky....
I want to mention that, 10 days ago I saw flying red light in sky. Its speed just like sliding star (I don't know exact words). But color is red, not a bright star shining. I know that no plane can fly such a that speed.
My question is that Is this a just meteor or anything else.
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
Lines: 32
Message-ID: <3c64fg$>
References: <3bt0m7$>
In article <3bt0m7$>,
(SKIPSHELL) writes:
>Anyone have any information on a supposed UFO sighting or meteor over San
>Diego, CA on 12/3/94--There was a brief news report on T.V. around 6:00pm.
>But nothing in any papers today (12/4/94) and no further mentions on any
I was sitting on my couch in Los Angeles when I just happened to look out the window and saw a large colorful light fly across the sky. (I believe it was between 9 and 10:00 pm on Friday, 12/3/94.) I remember seeing a green glow around it -- like a large firework. I went out on my balcony to see if someone was shooting off fireworks but none followed. Later, I heard a commercial on TV saying something like "strange lights over L.A. -- more at 11!" Unfortunately, I fell asleep before the news came on.
The next day I looked in the L.A. Times thinking there would be something about it but found nothing. I later turned on the news at 5:30 (Saturday) and saw a report of how it was a meteor and it was sighted as far down as San Diego and that they believed it crashed into the Pacific ocean.
On Sunday, I *really* searched the L.A. Times for an article and _again_
found nothing. Which seems really odd to me because it was quite
spectacular. And big! This was no little mini streak across the sky that you needed a telescope to observe. I thougt it was a firework!
Whatever it was, I think it's terribly strange that the only major
newspaper in Los Angeles didn't cover it (or if they did, heaven knows
>> : *****True, they don't need the juice from them, but they do make a
>> : fine navigation grid. We follow roads, they follow the power lines,
>> : connected to nearly everything.*****
>> Apparently one reason given for UFOs sucking power from the power >> >> grid is that sometimes the UFO has some type of malfunction and needs >> to get a quick "jump start" of free electrons from the power grid to >> keep from crashing.
*****It's called "Flashing the Fields". It is a quick and easy way to purify the outer field containment walls. This is of cource the main enertial outer field, not the inner cohesion field (this is the one that prevents living things from liquifying into a puddle during acceleration and non-ballistic manuevers). Let's stretch the old imagination one step further. The fuel used is water, but not for fusion. Anybody want to guess what the main process is? I'll give you a hint. The water is kept in containment structures, in multiples of three.
>I saw your post recently and would like to ask you if you'd mind forwarding any information you've been able to glean on the subject, my way.
>I missed the newspaper yesterday, and have seen or heard absolutely nothing about this.
Check page A2 col.1 of Dec 15 Washington Post. It's the only thing I have found. Not much detail either. There seems to be a news blackout on the subject as well.
Zac Elston WebSpinner \'net-.w*rk\ n often attrib 1: a fabric or structure of cords or
wires that cross at regular intervals and are knotted.
On local CBS-affiliate TV station on the evening of December 29, 1994, there was a report on a sighting in Kendall (south Miami), Florida. Occurred a couple of weeks ago, at night, witnessed by several people. Bright, orange, round light seen traveling slowly in sky. Definitely not a plane. Was videotaped. Full footage shown on TV. Similar to other nighttime videotapes I've seen.
It was reported that the videotape was given to local UFO investigators (possibly MUFON?) to study.
Roughly one week ago, a number of people in the Traverse City area of Michigan (NW Michigan - lower peninsula) witnessed a supposed UFO in the evening hours. What makes this sighting unique is that it is collaborated by Michigan State Police officers who also witnessed the craft. Additionally, a fairly detailed video tape was shot of the UFO for several minutes. Part of the tape was shown on the evening news in Detroit (I did not see the tape).
The UFO was described as saucer shaped, with a circle of lights along the bottom of the craft. It had four very bright lights shining up on it's hull. State Police described it as looking exactly like the ships seen in "Close Encounters of the Third Kind". The UFO hovered one foot above tree level for 10-15 minutes before instantly shooting upwards several hundred feet, and then finally zipping away at enormous speed, out of sight. A video tape was recorded by a Traverse City resident that lasted approx. 10 minutes. This tape is believed to be some of the most convincing evidence for the existence of UFOs.
Additionally, on Christmas morning, a Lansing, Michigan resident shot a separate video of another alleged UFO in the morning sky. This video was also featured on the local Detroit newscast. A Michigan UFO Expert named Wayne Erickson indicated that there has been a flurry of UFO reports in Michigan in the recent weeks, most of them being located in western Michigan. Both Traverse City and Lansing are located towards the western side of the state.
FOR MORE INFORMATION (Don't write me, what's above is all I know):
-Contact the Michigan State Police Traverse City and/or Lansing Posts.
TThrough the freedom of information act, you can obtain a copy of the police report filed by the state policemen who witnessed the UFO in Traverse City. The area code in Traverse City is 616. The area code in Lansing is 517. Call information for the telephone numbers.
-Contact the TV News in Detroit that reported on the stories
WWJBK TV, Channel 2. Their number is 810-557-2000.
-Contact the Mutual UFO Network
Their experts were interviewed on Detroit TV this week. I don't know their number or location. They are a national group.
-Contact The J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies in Chicago (on W. Peterson)
TThey are a large UFO research group.
-Contact Omni Magazine in New York
They also have a large UFO research group
Again, it's no use writing me, I don't know any more than what I have written.
A news team from San Diego's Channel 39 TV went to nearby Vista,
California on December 29 to interview with the main witnesses of a UFO
which had been captured on a 12-minute videotape in late November (see
news reporter and cameraman arrived, the very same object appeared over
the horizon and began moving across the sky, much to the amazement of nine witnesses present. The television reporter and cameraman scrambled to set up their camera in hopes of catching the UFO live on film, but it
disappeared before they were ready. The reporter, Mark Walton for Channel 39 San Diego news, did, however, admit on camera to seeing the object; and his news report was shown that night, the next morning, and the following
MUFON North County received two other calls from additional witnesses after the news story ran, including one woman in the Poway area (much further inland) who reported seeing a similar brightly glowing orb outside her window for half an hour around 3:00am two days prior.
MUFON North County is awaiting the results of video and photo
analysis of the Vista UFO videotapes. The investigation is continuing.
I hope everyone had a great holiday season. Just a short note about lights I saw in the sky over the holidays. On two different occasions I saw, along with my family, a bright fast strobing light moving very slowly from east to west and then return the same direction. I noticed the light after getting on the road to go to town; it was still doing its "thing" when I got to town and went in the store to do some shopping. It look very similar to a video I saw on Encounters of a supposed UFO. Very fast flashing and very bright. BTW, a jet flew near it and there was an easy comparison and there was no comparison.
Particulars: I live about 20 miles east of Athens, GA. I was driving in to Athens, the time was about 7 PM. What I saw was to the west of my position, but not sure of distance - it was just a light and seemed to have altitude. Technically, I was driving Southwest and the light was moving SE to NW and returns. Other sighting was similar, only I was alone, and the time was much later.
Have heard reports from friends and friends of friends of sightings of a triangle shapped craft in the area. People don't really report seeing the craft, but sensing it and seeing the stars blocked by it. They say that you can sort of see it against the sky. I saw the triangle fly over my house at about 200 feet about 3 years ago. It was about 8 PM, there was a faint hum associated with it, but the sound was barely audible, I seemed to sense it more than hear it. I would guess, pretty accurately, that the size of the craft was 150-200 feet on a side. The moon was partial and below the horizon so the sky was light, but still plenty of stars. I heard/sensed the hum, looked that direction and saw the shape. It moved very slow. There were lights on the end, which I could see after it passed. I'm still not sure that this was not some type of stealth craft of the government, although it seemed to fly very slow. Hard to imagine something that large flying that slow - lift and all of that - no rotor noise. It was solid, it did block out stars and you could sense a shape against the lighter sky.
I live in Northeast Georgia, about 75 miles East by Northeast of Atlanta, about 30 miles from the Savannah River, 1 mile from the Broad River, in Madison Co. Except for a period during the '70s, this area as far as I have known has not been a hot bed of sightings.
>Two occurence of fireball spotted in the sky in Kelantan, Malaysia.
>1st event was on 23rd December 1993 spotted by Zaharuddin Majid, 42 >and Lee Che Keong, 34 at Air Panas, Jeli (district and town in >Kelantan).
>2nd event was on 24th December 1994 spotted by
>Mohd Shafri Rizal Muhammad Nasir (long name huh!?), 13
>in Kota Bharu (capital state of Kelantan, Malaysia).
>An officer from the Astro-Science Division, Prime Minister
>Department, Mohd Zamri Shah Mastor said that it was a 'fireball'. And
>it wasnt a comet and not or a meteor.
>Anyone out there please explain, besides meteor or comet is there
>anything from the outer space which is called 'fireball'.
I posted in APUFO a similar sighting to the one which you described
above. I had one response... I was told it was probably a meteorite. I
do not think a meteorite was what I saw.
I lived in Port Townsend,WA and was driving into town with my
daughter. Port Townsend is on the Puget Sound and to get to the
waterfront area you have to descend some very steep bluffs. I had just
started descending what is the most precipitous road into town when I
observed a large glowing round object streaking from north to south
trailing a large fiery tail. The time was around 6:00 PM. I have seen many meteorites in my lifetime. This was not a meteorite. My first thought was that the military was spending tax dollars. The most unusual aspect of this object was that it traveled from when I first saw the object(about Mount Baker to Mount St. Helens) parallel(no noticeable loss of altitude) to wherever it went down in just a few seconds. It appeared to go down at about Mount St. Helens, but I am not sure about where it landed. This object was very large. Now, when I say large, I mean like half the height of what I could see of the Cascade Mountain range from my point of view in Port Townsend, WA. I did not know that the object was that large until the following day when I read in the Seattle Post Intelligencer that many people had seen an object streak over the Cascade Mountains. Everything in Washington is BIG. The mountains, the trees, Port Townsend Bay, etc. The grand scale of the scenery from where I was viewing this object would not allow me to accept the enormous proportions of this large fiery object. I thought that the globe had traveled out somewhere over the Puget Sound. When I read that the object was actually over the Cascade Mountains... from Port Townsend I could see probably the top three fourths of the Cascade Range... I was shocked. If the object was say only a fourth the size of Mount Rainier, that would have been one huge mass streaking across the Washington sky. I thought that when something that large impacted, that there would be an explosion on the scale of a nuclear blast at the point of impact. I do not think that it was a meteorite. The Seattle Post Intelligencer contacted SEA-TAC to find out if they had seen anything on radar... they said that they had not. I sort of forgot about the
incident until one Sunday there was a poorly done documentary on
*strange happenings* on TV. I happened to tune in just as they were
discussing the UFO incident that I had witnessed. The commentator said
that this sighting was one of the most famous and well documented
sightings in UFO history. Apparently annually people go to some spot in
the Cascades to talk about what they saw. Why are there not any
discussions in APUFO about this incident? Maybe the incident was only
famous to the makers of the documentary. I don't know, but the UFO
that I saw that night was not like any meteorite that I have ever seen. Was your sighting anything like the one which I observed in about Sept. of 1975? (I can't remember the exact date).
D.S. Morrison
Here is a peculiar little cut from a file that was previously posted to AAV...
>From has2bec@cabell.vcu.eduWed Dec 21 23:47:49 1994
>Date: 18 Dec 1994 22:54:00 -0500
>From: "Brooke E. Colquhoun" <>
>Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
>Subject: To the apples we salt, we return.
>Exerpts from a book called The Saucers Speak!
> A Documentary Report of Interstellar Communication
> by Radiotelegraphy
> by George H. Williamson and Alfred C. Bailey
>New Age Publishing Company
>Copyright, 1954
>"The so-called meteor seen Sunday over your area was us. It was a
>ball-globe being on its duty. We will be seen in the skies often.
>But do not strain to see us. When it is right for you to view,
>you will."
D.S. Morrison
So many moments stuck staccato like on a blue velvet sky
Organization: San Diego State University Computing Services
Lines: 15
Message-ID: <3e366r$>
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL0]
On December 29, 1994, a local tv news station, KNSD recorded an object,
circular in shape, white bright lights emitting what looked like fall out from fireworks, but on a much larger scale. The object seemed to "split" into other tiny fragments, with the larger piece remaining in the same position. One moment later the object disappeared. This occurred at 11:15 p.m. pacific time. The newscaster reported that it happened 45 minutes earlier that evening, and so they waited until the next occurrence. Field reporters also interviewed some local MUFON researchers, but from the evidence gathered from eyewitness and video accounts proved to be inconclusive. Anyone out there with anymore information on what's been going on in the San Diego area? Bizarre sightings similar to this were reported December 2, 1994, and
that following weekend. Sonic booms that began in November, and denied by any local government agency? The supposed "meteor" that hurdled over the Los Angeles area, later reported heading out towards the Pacific Ocean over San
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